Functions summary
action |
Generate a URL to a controller action. |
app |
Get the root Facade application instance. |
app_path |
Get the path to the application folder. |
array_add |
Add an element to an array if it doesn't exist. |
array_build |
Build a new array using a callback. |
array_divide |
Divide an array into two arrays. One with keys and the other with values. |
array_dot |
Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots. |
array_except |
Get all of the given array except for a specified array of items. |
array_fetch |
Fetch a flattened array of a nested array element. |
array_first |
Return the first element in an array passing a given truth test. |
array_flatten |
Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level. |
array_forget |
Remove an array item from a given array using "dot" notation. |
array_get |
Get an item from an array using "dot" notation. |
array_only |
Get a subset of the items from the given array. |
array_pluck |
Pluck an array of values from an array. |
array_pull |
Get a value from the array, and remove it. |
array_set |
Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation. |
array_sort |
Sort the array using the given Closure. |
asset |
Generate an asset path for the application. |
base_path |
Get the path to the base of the install. |
camel_case |
Convert a value to camel case. |
class_basename |
Get the class "basename" of the given object / class. |
csrf_token |
Get the CSRF token value. |
dd |
Dump the passed variables and end the script. |
e |
Escape HTML entities in a string. |
ends_with |
Determine if a given string ends with a given needle. |
head |
Get the first element of an array. Useful for method chaining. |
last |
Get the last element from an array. |
link_to |
Generate a HTML link. |
link_to_action |
Generate a HTML link to a controller action. |
link_to_asset |
Generate a HTML link to an asset. |
link_to_route |
Generate a HTML link to a named route. |
object_get |
Get an item from an object using "dot" notation. |
public_path |
Get the path to the public folder. |
route |
Generate a URL to a named route. |
secure_asset |
Generate an asset path for the application. |
secure_url |
Generate a HTTPS url for the application. |
snake_case |
Convert a string to snake case. |
starts_with |
Determine if a string starts with a given needle. |
storage_path |
Get the path to the storage folder. |
str_contains |
Determine if a given string contains a given sub-string. |
str_finish |
Cap a string with a single instance of a given value. |
str_is |
Determine if a given string matches a given pattern. |
str_plural |
Get the plural form of an English word. |
str_random |
Generate a "random" alpha-numeric string. |
str_singular |
Get the singular form of an English word. |
studly_case |
Convert a value to studly caps case. |
trans |
Translate the given message. |
trans_choice |
Translates the given message based on a count. |
url |
Generate a url for the application. |
value |
Return the default value of the given value. |
with |
Return the given object. Useful for chaining. |